Relevant Initiatives

  • Net Zero Cities

  • Clima Borough

  • Re-Value


NetZeroCities is part of the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme in support of  European Union’s Green DealNetZeroCities has been designed to help cities overcome the current structural, institutional and cultural barriers they face in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.

NetZeroCities will support the EU’s Mission of “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030” newly-launched as part of the Horizon Europe programme. The project will work as a service-oriented platform supported by world-class practitioners. It will help European cities by providing them with the support and solutions they need to achieve their Net Zero goal in a socially inclusive way.

New and existing tools, resources and expertise will be developed and promoted into a one-stop platform accessible to all cities through an online portal. Dedicated services will be designed to support cities that are part of the EU’s Mission “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030”In addition, NetZeroCities will support a series of Pilots to help drive rapid learning about how to achieve climate neutrality at city scale, an run a Twinning programme to enable peer-learning.


CLIMABOROUGH is an Innovation project, co-funded by the European Union in the framework of Horizon Europe and the mission "100 Climate-neutral and smart cities". Counting on 14 cities, 7 of them part of the 100 cities selected by the EC in the above mentioned mission. The project aims to test the ClimHub, Climate Sandbox and Climate Service concepts within its Cities engaged in their ecological and digital transition. The project aims to enhance traditional urban and spatial planning approaches through data and knowledge based decision-making (including a possible new role for Geographic Information Systems), including climate services co-production for transitions, cross-city and cross-country pilot co-creation as well as the tactical use of public procurement of innovative solutions. 

The goal is not just to enhance an open set of tools leveraging climate transition in cities, but also to boost the exchange of experimental good practices, experiences and lessons learnt in this field, to help cities meet climate neutrality by 2050. CLIMABOROUGH has the ambition to bridge the gap between design and implementation of urban innovations, particularly in the domain of climate change adaptation and mitigation.


The Re-Value partnership consists of nine European waterfront cities and selected European organisations that will seek to make the urban transition irresistible for citizens and professional stakeholders. This will be done by demonstrating how climate neutrality and urban quality can be aligned, by re-valuing the cities’ connection to their waterfronts, strengthening co-benefits and mitigating potential adverse impacts.

The cities will work with long-term Territorial Transformation Plans (TTP) combined with specific area-based Waterfront Pilots.

Ålesund (Norway), Bruges (Belgium), Burgas (Bulgaria), and Rimini (Italy) will demonstrate full-scale how integrated urban planning and design can be optimally deployed to achieve climate neutrality and significantly reduce GHG emissions by 2030.

In addition, Cascais (Portugal), Constanța (Romania), Izmir (Turkey), Písek (Czechia), and Rijeka (Croatia) will learn, replicate and develop their own participatory story-building, data-driven scenarios and financial and partnership models on integrated urban planning and design to accelerate their journeys to climate neutrality.

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